Eliminating Split RDO: Key Priorities

Manohar Sahota

Date: July 10, 2023

As the upcoming elections for the Shop Steward positions approach, it is vital to consider the essential role these representatives play in advocating for the rights and interests of the members. These elections provide an opportunity to select individuals who will actively work towards addressing crucial concerns and ensuring effective communication between management and employees. Here are some key priorities that should be on the agenda for Shop Stewards:

1. Member Representation: Shop Stewards should be committed to representing the voices of the members with dedication and diligence. They should actively seek feedback, concerns, and suggestions from the workforce to effectively address their needs and interests. By fostering open communication channels, Shop Stewards can ensure that members' perspectives are taken into account in decision-making processes.

2. Consultation on Split RDO: The recent formation of Group C and changes to the rotation days off (RDO) have had a significant impact on the work-life balance of the employees. Shop Stewards must prioritize conducting thorough consultations with members regarding these changes. They should actively engage with management to negotiate fair and reasonable arrangements that consider the well-being and preferences of the workforce.

3. Increasing PO5 Positions: With the present workload and requirement, it is crucial to advocate for an increase in PO5 positions. Shop Stewards should actively engage with management to discuss the necessity of expanding the workforce . By emphasizing the importance of proper staffing, they can contribute to improving efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction among members.

4. Part-Time Positions in Afternoon: Recognizing the diverse needs and availability of employees, Shop Stewards should champion the creation of part-time positions in the afternoon. This initiative would provide opportunities for individuals seeking flexible working arrangements, such as students, parents, or those with specific personal commitments. By advocating for these positions, Shop Stewards can support a more inclusive and accommodating work environment.

As members, it is essential to engage actively in the upcoming elections by considering candidates who prioritize these crucial priorities. Look for individuals who demonstrate a genuine commitment to member representation, effective communication, and proactive engagement with management.

By electing Shop Stewards who champion these priorities, we can pave the way for positive changes in the workplace, ensuring that the voices and concerns of the members are heard and addressed. Together, let us empower the Shop Stewards to advocate for our rights and work towards creating a more equitable and supportive working environment.

Remember, your vote matters! Choose candidates who will stand up for the membership and work diligently to make a difference. Together, we can shape a brighter future for all.

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